4675 MacArthur Court Ste. 450
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: 949-576-2372
Fax: 949-502-6629

Spring Blog

As 2016 has been passing by, my main focus for the last few months has been the goals I set out for myself.

My main goal is to simply be happy and enjoy some hikes.

On Valentine’s Day, we decided to jump right into hiking. I heard from many sources that Crystal Cove is a beautiful hike and it is a good workout. Unfortunately, the workout was too good and my lack of knowledge got the best of me. As I huffed and puffed my way up the trail, we finally arrived at the peak, where my expectations were surpassed. The view was gorgeous and the weather was perfect.
As one goal gets checked off the list, the next one begins…learning how to ride a unicycle.