4675 MacArthur Court Ste. 450
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: 949-576-2372
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Spring Blog

Are we already in Spring? 2016 has been going by too fast! I am going to rewind a bit, back to January of this year. So it was a joyous, refreshing January 1st and of course, I resorted to the cliché New Year’s resolution to “Maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Two things you cannot buy in life are time and health, so I wanted to make sure that the mantra of maintaining a healthy lifestyle stuck with me. After some reflection, I tweaked my resolution to be “Sustaining a healthy lifestyle and vowing to not have the same resolution in 2017.” In addition, all of us at the office started an accountability group for our goals so I was even more determined to commit myself to a balanced lifestyle with a regular exercise regime. Within this regime, I decided to start a new hobby and practice yoga. I must admit, the beginning was very intimidating. The yoga terms were a foreign language and I could not even do a push up without collapsing. However, with consistent practice & faith, I can now hold a couple of poses and understand what a chaturanga is. I may not be able to do the splits or inversions on my head, but I am happy with the progress I have made. Whether it is being mindful or finding inner peace during rush hour traffic, I have also noticed that yoga has impacted and bled on to other parts of my life in a positive way as well.

Starting something new can always be frightening, it is easy to resort to what you know. But the reward and impact of accomplishing a goal or lifestyle change is everlasting. So whether it be picking up a new hobby or skydiving for the first time, I encourage everyone to form a goal, stick to it, and most importantly do not give up on it.