Investment Strategy
What If Rates Don’t Move Higher?
MARKETS AND INVESTING September 27, 2021 Drew O’Neil discusses fixed income market conditions and offers insight for bond investors. If you could see into the future, there would be no need to diversify your investments. You would simply invest 100% of your assets into the single investment that was going to perform the best. […]
Weekly Investment Strategy
MARKETS AND INVESTING September 24, 2021 Review the latest Weekly Headings by CIO Larry Adam. Key Takeaways The Fed exercises patience in policy adjustments yet again Government shutdowns have not led to dramatic declines Delta variant has not hindered consumer spending A September Slowdown? The US economy has had its foot on the gas […]
Over Time, Markets Have Proved Positive and Resilient
MARKETS AND INVESTING When markets react, consider a broader historical perspective before changing your financial course. Market volatility can often trigger emotional responses in investors, responses that can impact judgement and potentially affect long-term plans. These periods of volatility are an opportunity to connect with your advisor, enabling them to act as a sounding […]
Don’t Let 30 or 60 Days of Data Eradicate Long Term Planning
MARKETS AND INVESTING September 20, 2021 Doug Drabik discusses fixed income market conditions and offers insight for bond investors. There are many nuances we have to deal with regardless of how much we implore, aspire or wish them to disappear: mask or no mask, transitory or permanent, Republican or Democrat, accommodative or declining support, […]