4675 MacArthur Court Ste. 450
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: 949-576-2372
Fax: 949-502-6629

Winter Blog

What a year 2021 has been for me! Meeting my youngest baby boy topped this year and I must say- being a mother of three is very challenging especially with all BOYS! I am beyond grateful for being blessed with these little humans I get to take care of and call mine.

This year has been filled with a whole lot of family memories. We had the opportunity to travel to Hawaii with our then 3-month-old (that was a challenge itself) and to Lake Tahoe for family gatherings. I wouldn’t want to take any of these moments for granted and always remember to embrace the memories with my family.

On that note, I would like to send you all warm wishes this holiday season and a happy and healthy New Year!